Wednesday 22 May 2013

Did he say Wednesday????

Well, dear reader, with all the other new experiences we have enjoyed so far (read cleaning, provisioning, repairing, upgrading, more cleaning, repairing provisioning, etc. here), mother nature has decided to throw one of her own at us....she is giving us the most amazing thunder and lightning show with full on torrential rain!  We think she wants us to be sure this really is the life we're choosing and so far, though the night is young, we are saying a resounding yes!


We had hoped to be on our way by Wednesday however, this is not to be.  The charger install will not be complete until Wednesday and the %$@#^$ previous owner (who, apparently believes the cheapest fix, including glue, is the one to go with and he calls himself an engineer!) messed with the water maker sooooooo, more parts, more fiddling, more boat units.  the decision has been made to purchase the parts and do the fix when we get to the Bahamas.  We'll leave with full tanks so should be good for at least a week now that the tanks leak has been repaired.  Maybe longer!  Ahhhhh....blessings abound! 

 Gregg mentioned a funny story the other day...a new boat owner says to his marine mechanic (and all things boat guy) "How much do you think it's going to cost to make the necessary repairs?" and the marine guy responds "How much ya got?" Ha, ha ha...  But seriously, folks, we want to be as sure as any boat owner can be when we throw off the lines that we have done our due diligence.  :o)

 So, for tonight, we will tuck ourselves in for another day at Las Olas Municipal Marina and wait for our guy to show up tomorrow with the sage advice that yes, indeed, we will soon be the proud owners of two new AGM's and it will only be another day of parts and tools and cardboard boxes strewn about our sweet little Simplicity is good.

Until next time...

Love and hugs,



  1. The Summer Storm : by Rebecca Caudill

    The summer storm comes
    Bolting white lightning; it goes
    Muttering thunder.

    Good that you are working out alot of the kinks before setting sail. Funny thing that you mention about how the engineer fixed the problem, has a bit of familiar sound to it, but your engineer has his supervisor to ensure it is done right the first time :) tee hee ....

    Have relocated to the other end of the house now. Have it all cozy and cute .... love it. Take care and hope you are underway sail soon. xxxooo T&L

  2. We have certainly enjoyed much summer storming! Hey Lydia, good to hear from you! So you and Tom are all tucked in and cozy in "our" suite! Awesome!!!Missing you so much! Love and hugs....
