Wednesday 5 June 2013

Ahoy, Matey!!!! We have a stowaway!!!!! Arrrrrrgh.....

So, can I stay???  Please????
I haven't been to visit
the Florida fam in years!!!!!

Well, it's true...we've had at least one little Bahamian mouse aboard.  Keen to see the world aboard Simplicity II the little creature hopped on deck and checked out his new digs.  Silly little fellow didn't have the good sense to hide his "sign" and this sailor is not keen to share her home with one as messy and unwilling/able to clean up after itself...I mean really!!!  It's one thing to eat the last bag of crispy potatoe chips and quite another to leave fully digested food all through the ship!  Not a very respectful houseguest.....even if he is cute.  So, he has to leave!!!!  After a night of me being sure the little stinker was crawling in and out of our bed (doubtful, but the imagination runs wild in the darkest hours!) and poor Gregg banging his head on the cabin ceiling after yet another call out from his first mate and promising to stay up and bait the little fellow and nail him with his shoe if he shows his beady eyes, I got a wonderful nights sleep and Gregg....well....he did not.  And little Mr Bahamian Mouse....well, I guess he had a delightful eveining of hide and seek.
    Next day, in serious conversation with our neighbours, Dave and Kathy, we were the proud new owners of a mouse trap....baited and set!  We just love those guys, always a helping hand when you need one.  Sure enough, we went to sleep knowing our mouse adventure would soon be over.....Gregg assures me there is no longer a mouse onboard, but we are leaving the dock today and setting the trap again just to be sure.  Sorry little buddy....mouse heaven is a much nicer place for you than Florida.

  Given this great success, I settled in to some serious "cabin keeping", a good wash down of every surface I can access with antibacterial, anti "every mouse" cleaner and what the heck, might as well throw in a load of laundry while I'm at it!

Ha, ha...a weeks worth of laundry!
Still living the life and loving it!

 So, this afternoon, at high tide we will leave Little Grand Bahama and anchor out at Double Breasted Cay, will post pics when I can, it is truly paradise!  Tomorrow, we will move on to Mangrove Cay and next day to Old Bahama Bay in preparation for our next Gulf Stream crossing to Lake Worth.  Kathy hoseted a wonderful "departure dock party" last night with two fabulous salads and chicken wings on the "barby" !  There was dancing on the dock (video to follow if I ever figure out how to post it) and a good time was had by all!  Thank you again, Kathy, you are "the hostess with the mostest!" and we love you more every day.

We are going to miss these guys so much! 
And Dave....where did you go, Dave?
Are you still swimming with the sharks
looking for Kathy's sunglasses?
What a great guy!!!!

   It is unlikely I will be able to post again for a bit so, until next time.....

Love and hugs all around,

Shelley and Gregg


  1. Good to hear your uninvited guest has been dispatched!! We have been working at getting the critters out of Jim's moms house,rats and the whole raccoon family babies included!!!
    Love the dock pics with friends.
    We set sail a week today for our adventure round the island. Well be talking about you as we sit on the back of Dave's boat up there in desolation!!!

  2. Well folks, it sounds like you have really gotten your feet wet and gained some great experience with fixing things. I've heard that you don't go to see unless you can put things back together, so by doing your trips in bits it really sets you up for bigger and bigger adventures. Love the blog and keeping up with you.

    John E.
